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Translation Rights TQE / Authors / Fuentes, Eugenio


Eugenio Fuentes was born in Montehermoso (Cáceres, Spain) in 1958. His novels have been awarded with the prizes Extremadura a la Creación and IX Alba/Prensa Canaria (this latter prize for El interior del bosque). He is the author of a collection of short stories, Vías muertas (Dead Tracks, 1997), and of a book of literary essays, La mitad de Occidente (Half of the West, 2003). Fuentes, however, finds himself among the Spanish crime fiction writers with international projection thanks to his private investigator, Ricado Cupido, the main character in his series of novels: La sangre de los ángeles (The Blood of Angels, 2001), Las manos del pianista (The Hands of the Pianist), Cuerpo a Cuerpo (One on One – Brigada 21 Prize to the best crime fiction novel written in Spanish in 2008), El interior del bosque (Inside the Forest), and Contrarreloj. Tusquets Editores has also published Venas de nieve (Veins of Snow), a brilliantly narrated story about the fight against fatality.

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Fuentes, Eugenio