Javier Cercas was born in Ibarhenando, Cáceres in 1962. He is the author
of a book of short stories, Cuentos reales (True Tales) 2000, of a nouvelle, El
móvil (The motive) 1987 and 2003, and of three novels, El inquilino (The
Tenant) 1989 and 2000, El vientre de la ballena (The Belly of the Whale), and
Soldados de Salamina (Soldiers of Salamis). The latter is a novel that reached
unprecedented success in bookshops, with readers, writers, and critics. It has received
the following prizes: Premi Llibreter 2001 Narrativa, Premi Ciutat de
Barcelona, Premio Librería Cálamo al mejor libro del año 2001, Premio Salambó,
Premio de la Crítica de Chile, IV Gran Premio Qué Leer de los Lectores, Premio
de Novela Histórica de Cartagena, Premio Extremadura a la Creación, Premio de
los Lectores Crisol, Premio Grinzane Cavour. Javier Cercas worked for two years at the University of Illinois and,
since 1989, is professor of Spanish literature at the University of Girona. He
collaborates regularly in the newspaper El País.