Lynn Margulis (Chicago, 1938
- Amherst, Massachusetts, 2011) was a professor of the Geo-science department
in the University of Massachussets. She also was a
member of the Science Academy of the United States, directed a committee of
Planetary Biology and Chemical Evolution, and was co-director of the Planetary
Biology department of NASA. She was one of the main supporters of the Gaia
Theory and of simbiogenesis, and the author of important and prolific
scientific and divulgate works, such as ¿Qué es la vida?
(What is Life?), Microcosmos (Microcosms), and ¿Qué es el sexo?
(What is Sex?), co-written with Dorion Sagan and all published by Tusquets Editores in the Metatemas collection. There is a place reserved within this
collection for her work of reference (in collaboration with Karlene
V. Schwartz) Cinco reinos.Una guía ilustrada de los phyla de la
vida en la Tierra (Five Kingdoms. An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of
Life on Earth).