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Translation Rights TQE / Authors / Brascó, Miguel


Miguel Brascó was born in Puerto Santa Cruz in 1936. He has a long and brilliant background as a political humorist (Tia Vicenta, Primera Plana, La Opinión, El Cronista), a journalistic editor (Claudia, Adán, Status, Pautas and Contraseñas), a songwriter, and a wine expert (Cuisine & vins). Less notoriously, yet with equal quality and perseverance, Brascó has frequented the literary world throughout his life: he studied at the University of Madrid with Carlos Bousoño and Vicente Aleixandre; he was in charge of an Anthology of Universal Poetry (1958); he translated German and English poets, and published, in 1968, a book of short stories called Criaturas triviales (Trivial Creatures), among others, and the collections of poetry Otros poemas e Irene (Other Poems and Irene), 1959, Tribulaciones de amor (Tribulations of Love), 1961, La máquina del mundo (The World’s Machine), 1964, and El buey solo (The Lonesome Ox), 1985.

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