Rafael Reig was born in Cangas de Onís
(Asturias, Spain) in 1963. He spent his childhood in Colombia and studied
Philosophy and Literature at Madrid’s Autonoma
University. He gave literature classes in New York, where he received his
doctorate degree, and in several American universities. He currently teaches at
the Hotel Kafka, a school of creative writing in Madrid, and is a contributor
to several publications, both in digital and paper formats. From among his
novels, Sangre a borbotones
(Blood on the Saddle, 2002) was
awarded the Critics’ Prize in Asturias
and was chosen by the Lara Foundation as one of the five best novels written in
Spanish in 2002, and his previous novel, Todo está perdonado
(All Is Forgiven, 2011), was awarded
the VI Tusquets Editores
Prize for Novel 2010.