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Translation Rights TQE / Authors / La Parra, Emilio


Emilio La Parra (Palomares de Campo, 1949) received a doctorate in history from the University of Valencia.  He is currently a professor of contemporary history at the University of Alicante and an acclaimed specialist in the study of the transition between the 18th and 19th centuries.  He is the author of La libertad de prensa en las cortes de Cádiz (Freedom of the Press in the Courts of Cádiz), 1984; El primer liberalismo y la iglesia. Las cortes de Cádiz (The First Liberalism and the Church. The Courts of Cádiz), 1985; La alianza de Godoy con los revolucionarios. España y Francia a fines el siglo XVIII (Godoy’s Alliance with the Revolutionaries. Spain and France at the end of the 18th Century), 1992; El regente Gabriel Ciscar. Ciencia y política en la España Romántica (The Regent Gabriel Ciscar. Science and Politics in Romantic Spain).  He is also author of collaborations in books such as El anticlericalismo español contemporáneo o la historia universal del siglo XX. (Contemporary Spanish Anti-clericism or the Universal History of the 20th Century).  He is a member of the Spanish Association of Contemporary History and of the European Society of 18th Century Studies, among others.

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La Parra, Emilio