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Translation Rights TQE / Authors / Hidalgo Bayal, Gonzalo


Gonzalo Hidalgo Bayal was born in Higuera de Albalat (Cáceres) in 1950. He has degrees both in Philology of Romance Languages and in Visual Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. He currently works as a high school literature teacher in the city of Plasencia. He is the author of two literary essays, Camino de Jotán (On the Way to Jotán, 1994) and Equidistancias (Equidistances, 1997). Hidalgo Bayal has become a singular narrator through his novels: Miseria fue, señora, la osadía (Misery Was, Ma’am, the Audacity, 1988), El cerco oblicuo (The Oblique Fence, 1993), Amad a la dama (Love the Lady, 2002), and Paradoja del interventor (Paradox of the Supervisor), his culminating work which Tusquets recovered for its catalog, as it now does with Campo de amapolas blancas, a “desolate and masterful” narration, to quote Luis Landero, and, in the words of Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, “magnificent and moving.”

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Hidalgo Bayal, Gonzalo